Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a British-made 2007 fantasy adventure film, based on the novel of the same name, by J. K. Rowling. Directed by David Yates, it is the fifth film in the popular Harry Potter film series. The story follows Harry Potter entering his fifth year at the magic school Hogwarts. The Ministry of Magic is denying the return of Lord Voldemort and appoints a new teacher, Dolores Umbridge, a bureaucrat who slowly becomes an authoritarian figure in the school. It is a production of David Heyman's company Heyday Films.
The screenplay was written by Michael Goldenberg, who replaced Steve Kloves, writer of the first four films. Live action filming started in February 2006 and finished in the end of November, and post-production on the film continued for several months afterwards. Warner Bros., the distributor of the film, scheduled a UK release date of 12 July 2007, and a U.S. release date of 11 July 2007, both in conventional and IMAX theatres.
The sixth-highest grossing film of all time, it was a critical and commercial success, and was acclaimed by the author, Rowling, who, unlike some authors, has consistently offered her praise for the film adaptations of her works,[1][2][3] and evaluated Order of the Phoenix as "the best one yet."
Harry Potter and his cousin Dudley are attacked by two Dementors shortly after the beginning of the film. Harry casts a Patronus charm to repulse the Dementors, but because of his use of magic before a muggle, the Ministry of Magic has him expelled from Hogwarts. Mad-Eye Moody and a group of other wizards arrive at Privet Drive to secret Harry away to the headquarters of a group of rebels formed by Albus Dumbledore during the First Wizarding War called the Order of the Phoenix, whose members include Moody, Remus Lupin, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and Sirius Black, with the rest of the Weasley family, along with Hermione, residing at headquarters as well. Along the way, Harry learns his expulsion has been delayed, pending a formal hearing. At headquarters (Later revealed to be the old home of the Blacks, Sirius' family and therefore his childhood home), it is revealed that the Ministry of Magic is trying to discredit Harry and Dumbledore by saying stories of Voldemort's return are merely attempts at garnering more attention. The Minister of Magic is terrified that Dumbledore is now after his job. Later, at Harry's hearing, Dumbledore is able to call upon Harry's neighbor Mrs. Figg (a squib) as a witness, who testifies that Harry was indeed attacked by Dementors, which wins Harry's case, as Muggles cannot see Dementors, and therefore Harry would have had no other witnesses to confirm his story. Harry attempts to thank Dumbledore for his help, but is unable to get his attention, leading Harry to believe he is being intentionally ignored.
Entering their fifth year at Hogwarts, the trio learn that Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge has appointed a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher: Dolores Umbridge. Also, Hagrid is nowhere to be found, and Dumbledore explains he is taking a temporary leave of absence. Harry also learns that much of the Wizarding community believe the The Daily Prophet and have shunned him. Umbridge begins teaching a "Ministry approved course" for Defence Against the Dark Arts, which involves virtually no actual magic being practiced, as the Minister is afraid Dumbledore may be training an army of youngsters, creating countless rules and cruel punishments for "rule-breakers", as Harry painfully discovers (He is forced to write "I must not tell lies" with a magical quill that etches the words into the back of his hand). Harry, Ron and Hermione decide to form their own group of students to learn how to properly defend themselves, with with Harry as leader and teacher and fellow students including Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, and Cho Chang. Recruiting many others to their cause, they dub themselves "Dumbledore's Army". Using a magical, hidden room called the Room of Requirement, Harry teaches students basic defensive spells, moving on to more difficult spells (such as Patronus charms) as the members become more skilled. During this time, Harry begins a relationship with Cho Chang.
Meanwhile, Harry has been seeing into Voldemort's mind through his dreams. In one, he sees Ron's father Arthur attacked in the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry. Harry immediately tells Dumbledore, who believes that Voldemort may have a connection to Harry's mind. Harry begins lessons with Professor Snape to close his mind in the event that Lord Voldemort should become aware of the connection between Harry's mind and his own. Harry shares his fears with Sirius, who gives him helpful advice that he is not becoming like Voldemort.
Hagrid has returned to Hogwarts, under threats from Umbridge to sack him, as she already did Professor Trelawney earlier. Meanwhile, a mass wizard breakout has been engineered from Azkaban. The Ministry claims Sirius was involved in the breakout, as he escaped in Harry's third year. Things get even worse: Umbridge uncovers Dumbledore's Army, by way of Cho; Dumbledore eludes a group of Aurors in his office as the Minister tries to capture him and send him to Azkaban; and Umbridge becomes the new Head of Hogwarts, inflicting the same punishment she used on Harry to all of Dumbledore's Army members.
Hagrid reveals that in his absence, he had visited the giants in a failed attempt to persuade them to join the fight against Voldemort, and has returned with his half-brother, Grawp, asking the trio to keep him company, as he will most likely be sacked. Harry's Occlumency sessions with Snape continue, with Harry progressing poorly. After Snape insults Harry's father, Harry uses a Shield charm to rebound a Legilimency charm back at Snape. Harry is thrust into Snapes memory, where he has an uncomfortable vision of his own father bullying the loner Snape when they were students at Hogwarts. Enraged, Snape puts an end to the sessions.
Fred and George have been fed up with Umbridge and her rules, and so cause extreme chaos during an O.W.L. exam and leave Hogwarts for good. During the commotion, whilst many students cheer on the twins, Harry has a vision in which Voldemort is in the Ministry of Magic, torturing Sirius. Harry, Ron and Hermione immediately go to Umbridge's office to travel by Floo powder, but are caught by Umbridge, as are Ginny, Neville and Luna. Umbridge demands truth serum from Snape in order to interrogate Harry, but Snape reveals that she had used the last of his stores learning of Dumbledores Army from Cho Chang. Harry attempts to tell Snape about Sirius being in trouble (using nicknames to avoid Umbridge understanding what he is saying), but Snape appears to not understand. Umbridge is about to resort to the Cruciatus curse to pry information from Harry, but Hermione tricks Umbridge into following her and Harry into the Forbidden Forest, where she is attacked by Grawp and carried away by centaurs. Luna and the others, having escaped in the meantime, suggests they fly to the Ministry in London by Thestrals, horse-like creatures that are seen only by people who have watched someone die. The six Dumbledore's Army members enter the Hall of Prophecy in the Department of Mysteries.
Among numerous rows of incredibly high shelves stacked with countless crystal balls, each containing a prophecy, Harry discovers a prophecy labeled with his name, which partially explains Harry's past and future. They are then surrounded by Death Eaters, including Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange. Lucius explains to Harry that only he could retrieve the prophecy safely from its shelf, and so Voldemort placed a false image of himself torturing Sirius in the Hall of Prophecies to lure Harry there. Lucius then tries to coax Harry into handing over the prophecy, but Harry and the others make a break for it, disabling a few Death Eaters in the process. A battle erupts, in which a misfired spell causes the large shelves full of prophecies to collapse. The group run from the room and fall through a door, landing in a room with a large mysterious veiled archway, from which voices only Harry and Luna can hear are speaking. The Death Eaters arrive and capture Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna and Ginny. Lucius threatens to have all of them killed, should Harry refuse to give him the prophecy, and Harry hands over the prophecy. Lucius' victory is short lived, as Sirius arrives, punching Lucius and sending the prophecy to the ground, where it shatters. The other members of the Order then arrive as well, freeing the captured children, and a larger battle erupts. Harry and Sirius defeat Lucius and another Death Eater in a two on two duel, where Sirius, caught up in the excitement of the affair, accidentally calls Harry James. Bellatrix suddenly appears and sends an Avada Kedavra curse across the room, striking Sirius with it. Harry stares in shock as Sirius gives him one last look, then falls through the archway, his body disappearing beyond the veil.
Harry chases Bellatrix into the Ministry atrium, where he casts the Cruciatus Curse upon her, causing her to fall. Voldemort apparates behind Harry saying he lacks the cruelty needed for the spell to be effective and goads Harry into killing Bellatrix in revenge. Harry attempts to attack Voldemort but is quickly disarmed. Before he can kill Harry, Dumbledore appears, and a brief but furious duel erupts between the two, during which Bellatrix is able to escape using a Floo fire. Fearing that Dumbledore is too powerful to be defeated, Voldemort possesses Harry, but his love for his friends prompts him to say that Voldemort is weak, not he, as he cannot feel love and friendship, and Harry feels sorry for him. Voldemort is forced from Harry's body, stating, "You're a fool, Harry Potter. And you will lose everything." Before Voldemort can kill Harry, Ministry officials arrive via fireplaces to see what has been causing the commotion and finally see Voldemort in the flesh, who then dissapparates.
The Ministry is forced to end their smearing campaign, Fudge resigns, and Umbridge is somehow rescued and pulled from Hogwarts. Dumbledore explains that he had indeed ignored Harry all year, feeling it would protect him, as he did not think Voldemort would risk using the link between them unless to spy on Dumbledore. Having listened to his prophecy in the Department of Mysteries, Harry also knows he either must kill Voldemort or be killed himself. Luna gives Harry helpful advice about getting over Sirius' death. The film ends when Harry tells his friends that the one thing they have is something Voldemort will not have: something worth fighting for.