Superman: Doomsday is an original direct-to-video animated film adaptation of popular DC Comics storyline The Death of Superman focusing on the superhero Superman. The film is rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for action violence and is the first in a line of animated movies released by Warner Bros. Animation based on the storylines from DC Comics. It will be followed by Justice League: The New Frontier, Teen Titans: The Judas Contract, Batman: Gotham Knight and Wonder Woman. The film was released on September 18, 2007. Before the DVD release, the movie was first screened at the San Diego Comic Con on July 26, 2007.
Despite similar animation styles, the film used new animation models, and is only loosely based on the DC Animated Universe that lasted from 1992-2006,[1] with a few allusions to the older series, as well as the Fleischer Superman series, found in the Fortress of Solitude.
The film opens with images of Superman doing heroic deeds and Lex Luthor narrating, explaining how people look up to him like he was a god on Earth. Before the credits begin, he says "Enjoy your reign while you may, Superman. For as surely as night follows day, there comes a time when even gods must die."
Lois Lane is told by Perry White to drop a story that might be risky to publish about a charity organization, even though Lex Luthor is involved. As she destroys her papers on that story, Clark Kent leaves for Afghanistan. Meanwhile, workers from LexCorp are digging two miles below the Earth's surface for one of Lex's projects. They hit a spaceship while digging, inadvertently releasing the genetically-engineered war machine Doomsday. Doomsday kills the entire digging crew and begins a bloody rampage towards Metropolis. Lex tells Mercy Graves to make sure no one knows that his company was there.
Meanwhile, a scene at the Fortress of Solitude reveals that Superman and Lois have become romantically involved. However, Lois is unsatisfied with the arrangements of their relationship: Superman insists that they keep it a secret from the public by limiting their encounters to the Fortress, and he has not yet confided in her that he is actually Clark Kent, although she's already known. The two get into a fight over this, after which Superman decides to tell her the truth. Before he can, he is informed of Doomsday's rampage by the Fortress' robot. Doomsday is now battling the military in Metropolis.
In Metropolis, Superman and Doomsday engage in a devastating cross-city battle. Ultimately, Superman kills Doomsday, but he too dies from injuries sustained during the battle. The world collectively mourns their fallen hero, whom they honor with a memorial in Metropolis.
All of the characters deal with Superman's death in different ways. Jimmy Olsen takes a job at a seedy tabloid newspaper called National Voyeur. Perry falls off the wagon. Lois visits Clark's adoptive mother, Martha, in Smallville for counsel. Even Lex grieves over Superman's death, though only because he wasn't responsible for it. After Mercy tells him that no one will know LexCorp was involved with Doomsday, Lex shoots and kills her.
In Superman's absence, the police are ill-equipped to deal the villains he so regularly defeated. When Toyman holds a school bus filled with kids hostage using a giant spider, Lois, still grieving, decides to fight the villain on her own. As she does, Superman digs his way out of his own grave and apprehends Toyman. However, he doesn't seem quite the same, missing Lois' apartment as he flies her home and acting surprised when she kisses him. Similarly, Clark fails to return to work. She dismisses it as shock from his supposed "death". Furthermore, Superman makes no attempt to contact his foster mother, raising more suspicions.
The truth of this resurrected Superman is soon revealed: He is merely a clone created by Lex from a sample of blood stolen from the site of the battle. As such, he lacks all of the real Superman's memories. Lex is keeping the body of the real Superman preserved in a tube for his personal amusement.
Unbeknownst to anyone, even Lex, the real Superman is actually alive, but just barely. The robot at his Fortress of Solitude is able to recover his body and works to bring him back to health. Meanwhile, the Superman clone begins to take a darker perspective on his job when he hears about Toyman killing a four-year-old girl. He meets with Toyman as he is about to enter the police station. There, he picks him up, flies him above the city, then drops him back to the ground, killing him. The city is stunned, and Lois suspects he is not Superman. The police can't do much to punish Superman for the murder, as he simply destroys their guns.
Upon returning to Lex, the clone is berated for his behavior. Lex sends him on a mission to find the real Superman's corpse threatens to kill him should he step out of line again. When on a mission to find who has taken the body of Superman the clone begins to think for himself and scans his brain for Lex's trap. The clone uses his X-ray vision to locate a lead-shielded kryptonite ball in his skull, which would allow Lex to carry out his threat, and removes it in gruesome fashion. At the same time, Lois meets with Lex under the guise of wanting to move on, but first wants to know how he corrupted Superman. As she leans in to kiss him, she stabs him with a tranquilizer and begins looking through his files with Jimmy's help. She and Jimmy discover that Lex is cloning an army of Supermen. After Lex comes to and threatens them, the original clone arrives and destroys the facility. When Lex realizes that the clone has removed the kryptonite in his skull, Lex tries to hide in a lead-lined, red-sunlight room, only to have the clone lock Lex inside and toss the entire room to the street. This latest presumed murder triggers military action. Again, they can do little against Superman.
Hearing the news, the real Superman resolves to help, even though his powers are not yet fully restored. To improve his odds he dons a black sunlight-absorbing "Solar Suit" and brings a kryptonite gun developed by Lex. When Superman arrives in Metropolis, the clone tells him that he is no longer needed, and should leave if he does not want to get hurt. The two engage in a massive battle, with Superman's kryptonite gun failing to hit the much faster clone. Jimmy and Lois grab the kryptonite gun to help Superman, though still unsure if he's the real one or not. The fight reaches a head at Superman's memorial, where Lois manages to hit the clone with a shot from the kryptonite gun. A truck full of tar is wrecked in the battle and both Superman and the clone are coated in the tar. The clone destroys the gun, leaving only the kryptonite canister. As the two Supermen continue their battle, the canister sticks to the clone's chest, and Superman vaporizes it with his heat vision. The clone is overcome by the kryptonite gas and dies, after telling Superman to protect the people. Lois is convinced that he's the real Superman once he kisses her, and the crowd is similarly happy to be rid of the evil Superman.
At Lois' apartment, Superman sees that she misspelled "resurrection" in her article, where he mentions he was a spelling bee champ at Smallville Elementary, revealing himself to be Clark Kent. At LexCorp, mirroring the movie's beginning, an injured Lex narrates the ending, saying how gods can die but can also return from the dead. He smiles to himself, saying, "It would seem you can't be destroyed after all, Superman. It would seem…"
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